SYSVIEW CONDITIONS - 2nd LPAR attempting to use CONDITIONS VSAM Files - Abend GET with options 24A20080
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SYSVIEW CONDITIONS - 2nd LPAR attempting to use CONDITIONS VSAM Files - Abend GET with options 24A20080


Article ID: 373606


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


With the implementation of SYSVIEW CONDITIONS, having one LPAR configured with CONDITIONS in the yaml file. 
VSAM files have been created and when attempting to start a second LPAR in the same SYSPLEX, an abend at the startup of the second SYSVAPPS with sharing the VSAM file happens.
The intention is to share the VSAM files in the SYSPLEX.   

BRSA110I SYSVIEW Application Server startup initiated         
GSV5010I SYSVIEW application REST API startup completed       
IEA995I SYMPTOM DUMP OUTPUT  092                              
SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE=0C4  REASON CODE=00000011              
 TIME=12.51.59  SEQ=05455  CPU=0000  ASID=02C3                
 PSW AT TIME OF ERROR  075C6401   B5AD598A  ILC 6  INTC 11    
   DATA AT PSW  35AD5984 - 00F9A7F4  000DE50F  E000F000       
   AR/GR 0: 0101007D/000000FF   1: 00000000/00000080          
         2: 0101007D/000004E8   3: 0101007D/00000001          
         4: 0101007D/00052000   5: 00000000/78AF6D04          
         6: 00000000/00000000   7: 0101007D/0101007D          
         8: 0101007D/000000FF   9: 0101007D/0101007D          
         A: 00000000/00000050   B: 00000000/78AF1064          
         C: 00000000/35AD7760   D: 00000000/78AF7298          
         E: 00000001/7FFFF000   F: 0101007D/0B20B0AC          
 END OF SYMPTOM DUMP                                          
IGW400I ***************************************  094          
IGW400I ABEND occurred to                                     
IGW400I request GET      with options 24A20080.               
IGW400I Job SYSVAPPS, UASID 02C3, TCB 008F80B0,               
IGW400I URPL 000305CC, dsp RPL 00052000, file

IGW400I SYSV.CONDITNS.COND                                          
IGW400I Footsteps: C2<2FhC2<2A0AaAcB0FLC1CnDA<1                          
IGW400I  FLC1CnDA<1FhC2<2AeFfC1CnDA<1AfA1Ai<14c                          
IGW400I  4l121A1B1e||=>1q1lZ0FeFvC2<2FhC2<21m=>                          
IGW400I  1l1a1p404a4dFdFeA0AaAcB0FLC1CnDA<1FLC1                          
IGW400I  CnDA<1FhC2<2AeFfC1CnDA<1AfA1Ai<14c4l12                          
IGW400I  1A1B1e||=>1l1f2v604a4dFdFeFhC2<2FhC2<2                          
IGW400I  A0AaAcB0FLC1CnDA<1FLC1CnDA<1FhC2<2AeFf                          
IGW400I  C1CnDA<1AfA1Ai<14c4l121A1B1e||=>1q1lP0                          
IGW400I  FeFhC2<2FhC2<21m=>1l1a1p404bA0AaAcB0FL                          
IGW400I  C1CoDADEDFCyCqDSDSVALMODOeX1XrOA<SCuCz                          
IGW400I  CzAeFfC1CoDADECyCqDSDXXKDMODOeX1XrOA<S                          
IGW400I  CuCzCzAfA1Ai<14l1e||=>1l1a1p404a4eDcA0                          
IGW400I  AaAbAcB0FLFhC2<2C1<1AfAeFfFhC2<2C1CsDA                          
IGW400I  DE<1AfA1Ai<14hFY4c4lRzRx<XLN                                    
IGW400I ***************************************                          
IGW406I RLS recovery released the shared latch for dsp RPL at 00052000   
IEF450I SYSVAPPS SYSVAPPS - ABEND=SDC2 U0000 REASON=4F004020  619        
FIDTRT03 SYSVAPPS          SYSVAPPS *SDC2   204K       .19       .00    1
IEF404I SYSVAPPS - ENDED - TIME=12.53.15                                 


The size or amount of VSAM files (or size and amount of JSON/BSON documents therein) shouldn't have any influence on the required MEMLIMIT.
The issue is that the BLDINDEX call made under the covers is always requesting a 2gb buffer for JSON/BSON documents.
It tries to get this buffer above the bar but ends in a DC2 abend before the buffer is allocated because RSM wont allow an above the buffer with MEMLIMIT set to 2gb or less.
The abend S0C4 occurs downstream when a non-existent buffer is referenced. 


It is recommended to check if IBM ptf OA65711 is installed. It solves a VSAM issue with similar symptoms . 

For this abend, check the MEMLIMIT. The default use is 2G and to solve this abend, it's recommended to increase the MEMLIMIT to 4G.

IBM is further working on a fix, which will likely be a dynamically sized buffer that will tune the size of the buffer based on the size of the documents in the VSAMDB data set.

Additional Information

  • The VSAM data sets are sharable. It is sharable amongst SYSVAPPS instances running on the same system and different systems within a SYSPLEX.
    Updates from one SYSVAPPS will be available to all instances that are connected to the same VSAM data sets.
    Instances use the data sets if they are configured via the dsnHlq property to use the same DSN. 
  • SHROPTONS(2,3) is should be used. 
  • SYSVAPPS Conditions using 0 when opening the VSAM RLS datasets. No read integrity (NRI)
  • It is tested and managed the share options with the SMS data class options. 
  • Testing was done in development and test instances that share the VSAM data sets within the same system and across systems in the SYSPLEX.