bosh vms
or bosh stemcells
, users may see errors like:Requesting token via client credentials grant: UAA responded with non-successful status code '500' response '{}'
EXAMPLE:bosh tasks
commands, users might see many tasks in queued state.monit summary
within Bosh Director VM SSH might show all processes running, or fluctuating between running and not monitored state.
Bosh Director VM
Bosh Director manages VM's in TKGI and Tanzu Application Services, so either product may be impacted by this condition.
This error occurs when the persistent disk used by Bosh Director reaches critical consumption over 95%, leading to service failures and preventing the director from operating normally.
This KB seeks specifically to provide details on resolving the issue by increasing the size of the persistent disk associated with Bosh Director if it hits 100% consumption, particularly if the /var/vcap/store/blobstore
directory is the offending storage location. Some other resolutions to this issue are documented in the below KBs:
The following reference documentation can be used to for BOSH Director Resource Config changes
This will redeploy the Bosh Director VM with a new disk. The data will be migrated from the old, small disk, to the new, larger disk.
Once the Bosh Director VM has been updated with the larger disk, cleanup can be performed on the blobstore using the bosh clean-up
commands referenced in the BOSH CLI documentation