UAA file "/home/tempest-web/ramdisk/uaa/config/uaa.yml" still shows the old OpsMan password value after changing the Opsman password.
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UAA file "/home/tempest-web/ramdisk/uaa/config/uaa.yml" still shows the old OpsMan password value after changing the Opsman password.


Article ID: 373504


Updated On:


Operations Manager


After changing the Opsman password, the UAA file "/home/tempest-web/ramdisk/uaa/config/uaa.yml" still shows the first/original OpsMan password value, even after performing the manual process/steps from here.


The password not changing in the above mentioned "uaa.yml" is expected, as the file appears to only retain the first/original password used.  Users may notice that even though the password is changed and working to access Opsman/UAA , it will still show the "first" password in the "uaa.yml" file. Changing the UAA password is not officially supported or recommended by VMware and more information on the this expected behavior can be found in the UAA offical docs here (user bootstrapping section).