When executing the sapwalk like in the example below I am not getting any response , it times out or giving back errors:
./sapwalk2 -i #.#.#.# -v v3 -s 1 -u <AuthUser> -l AP -xt SHA -xa '#####' -xp '######' -xe AES256 -t 3000
DX Netops Performance Management 22.2 and above
Cisco devices use a Cisco specific type of the AES256 algorithm.
To use a Cisco specific protocol execute the -xe parameter wiht one of the protocols: AES192C/AES256C
./sapwalk2 -i #.#.#.# -v v3 -s 1 -u <AuthUser> -l AP -xt SHA -xa '#####' -xp '######' -xe AES256C-t 3000
# ./sapwalk2 --help
#sapwalk2: ver 25.0
#Copyright (c) 1994-2021 SIMPLESOFT Inc.
Usage: sapwalk2
-i ip_address
-v snmp_version(v1/v2c/v3)
-s startoid
<-c community for v1/v2c >
<-u username for v3 >
<-l seclevel (nAnP/AnP/AP) for v3 >
[-xt auth type (MD5/SHA/SHA224/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512) for v3]
[-xa auth password for v3 ]
[-xp priv password for v3 ]
[-xn ctxtname for v3 ]
[-xe priv type (DES/3DES/AES128/AES192/AES256/AES192C/AES256C)for v3]
[-xi ctxtid for v3 (will discover if not specified)]