Setting up SYSVAPPS the started task gives the messages:
2024-07-24 08:15:37.079 <SYSVAPPS:main:329042> SYSVAPPS (org.zowe.apiml.util.ClassOrDefaultProxyUtils:70) WARN Implementation com.ib
m.jzos.ZUtil is not available with constructor signature [], it will continue with default one org.zowe.apiml.eurekaservice.client.i
mpl.DefaultCustomMetadataHelper$$Lambda$903/0x000000009bcde730@3c76b21b : Class org.zowe.apiml.util.ClassOrDefaultProxyUtils can not
access a member of class with modifiers "private"
2024-07-24 08:15:37.413 <SYSVAPPS:main:329042> SYSVAPPS ( INFO Loading trust key ring: safk
eyring://SYSVAPPS/SYSVWKeyring|FINE|01|main|2024-07-24 08:15:38.686 BST||SYSVWGZP private or public key is not of EC algorithm|FINE|01|main|2024-07-24 08:15:38.686 BST||SYSVWGZP private or public key is not of EC algorithm|FINE|01|main|2024-07-24 08:15:38.687 BST||SYSVWGZP private or public key is not of EC algorithm
There is a maintenance ptf missing to support the z/OSMF JWT authentication...
There is a ptf LU10287 missing to support JWT tokens.
Do NOT forget the run the MAINT009 job in the Sysview SAMPJCL to copy the new modules from the SMPE managed libraries to the RUNTIME libraries..