CABI PDF reports give below error on pdf export :
[See nested exception: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: The byte array is not a recognized imageformat.
Arguments: ]
UIM 23.4/23.4CU1
CABI :23.4
This issue is due to dependency for jaspersoft i.e If we create any graph report and want to download in PDF format there is an dependency of Chromium.
Refer the below url for more details
Selecting a Chrome/Chromium Configuration
We have identified three alternative solutions:
Solution 1
Install Google Chrome and define chrome path in file
Please follow the below steps to resolve the issue
-- Navigate to Nimsoft_Install_Dir\probes\service\wasp\webapps\cabijs\WEB-INF and take back up of
-- Open file and edit for chrome.path = as below
“INSTALL_DIR/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe "(replace \ with /).
Restart the robot and verify
Note1: In case Chrome browser is not installed we need to install Chrome Browser on CABI Robot and chrome browser is not required on any other machine for this to work
Note2 :Above solution will work even if you use Edge browser as it uses chrome internally and you don't need to specify the Edge browser executable path in
Solution 2 :
Download chromium and provide path in the file
Edit chrome.path = Chromium-download-dir//chrome.exe
Restart the robot and verify
Apply the hotfix provided in KB attachments
JS 8.2.0 Hotfix (Readme) and hotfix
Note1 :Solution 3 will be applicable only on windows CABI Environment
Note2: Please revert the to its original value before applying this hotfix i.e keep the chrome.path in empty
Solution 1 ,2 and 3 is only applicable on windows environment with cabi 23.4
If we deploy any CABI build post 23.4 like (23.4 Cu2) we need to reapply the above solutions /Hotfix