Clarity upgrade throws exception Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
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Clarity upgrade throws exception Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream


Article ID: 373389


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When starting the Clarity upgrade the below error is thrown on extracting the install.jar file with jar -xvf command: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
        at java.base/
        at java.base/
        at java.base/
        at java.base/
        at jdk.jartool/
        at jdk.jartool/
        at jdk.jartool/
        at jdk.jartool/


Any Supported Releases


Open the ISO file with Clarity installer and compare the file size for install.jar to the extracted / copied file. You will see a difference in size due to an issue with ISO mounting limits


On Windows:

  1. Explicitly mount the ISO as a drive (you may have to remove system protection)
  2. Copy the file install.jar out and compare the file size
  3. Ensure the file is correct size before proceeding with extract and install

On Linux:

  • Mount without using the ISO compression syntax ( -t iso9660)
  • Mount ISO on a local system and copy the install.jar to the Linux application server via SSH

Additional Information

Example solution on Linux:

  • After mounting the clarity installer ISO in Linux system - The size of the install.jar is 270Mb. Whereas when mounted on local workstation the size of the install.Jar is 8664389 KB(8.664389 GB).
  • The following command was used to mount the ISO:
  • sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop CLARITY_PPM_1613.iso /data/third_party/Clarity1613/clarity