"Error: Unknown CPI error 'Unknown' with message 'Problem with the local SSL certificate' in 'set_vm_metadata' CPI method" reported during Apply Changes
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"Error: Unknown CPI error 'Unknown' with message 'Problem with the local SSL certificate' in 'set_vm_metadata' CPI method" reported during Apply Changes


Article ID: 373332


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition


While upgrading a TKGI environment and using Tanzu Operations Manager version v3.0.29+LTS-T you see the following occur:


During Apply Changes, the Operations Manager reports the following error during upgrade:

Error: Unknown CPI error 'Unknown' with message 'Problem with the local SSL certificate' in 'set_vm_metadata' CPI method 


Bosh CPI task logs show the following:

CPI error “The URL https://<VCENTER_URL>/sdk/vimService does not have a valid SSL certificate”


Which causes the Apply Changes to fail.


Tanzu Operations Manager v3.0.29+LTS-T

TKGI (upgrading to a version which supports v3.0.29+LTS-T or later)

NSX-T configured with Certificate Authentication on vSphere


There is a known issue with Operations Manager v3.0.29+LTS-T

[Known Issue] Configuring NSX-T with Certificate Authentication on vSphere results in CPI error “The URL https://<VCENTER_URL>/sdk/vimService does not have a valid SSL certificate” causing Apply Changes to fail.







The issue is Fixed in Operations Manager v3.0.30+LTS-T

[Known Issue Fix] NSX-T Certificate Authentication no longer fails during Apply Changes due to the private key being mutated


High Level Resolution:

Upgrade existing Operations Manager from v3.0.29+LTS-T to v3.0.30+LTS-T.  Using typical Upgrading your Tanzu Operations Manager deployment process 

Then Apply Changes to all tiles affected.



- Download the v3.0.30+LTS-T OVA and any necessary stem cells in preparation for upgrade

- Export current Operations Manager configuration from the current v3.0.29+LTS-T and TKGI 1.xx.x environment

- Upgrade Operations Manager from 3.0.30+LTS-T OVA to v3.0.30+LTS-T

- Apply Changes again to all affected tiles