Reinstalling an xFlow RU update
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Reinstalling an xFlow RU update


Article ID: 373301


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


There may be times where one needs to reinstall a given RU update for the SDM xFlow interface.  The following steps describe the procedure


Release 17.4 or higher

CA Service Desk Manager


1.  Stop xFlow, SDM and any other related services on the same server, such as Search Server.

2.  Access the Windows server's Apps and Features.  Uninstall "xFlow Analyst Interface".  Do a complete uninstall.

3.  Backup the al_cdb_componentinstallstate table, then run this DB Query to set the entries for xFlow 17.4.2 to "failed"

update [al_cdb_componentinstallstate] SET installationstate = 'failed' where packageid lIKE '%17.4.2%' AND machinename = '<affected SDM Server>'

4.  Run the 17.4 RU2 installer.  Make sure:

- The installer is in a location that lacks spaces in the path name and is a short directory structure (C:\17-4-RU2 is a good location for the install media).  

- All Explorer windows on the affected SDM Server are closed out.  

- All other command prompt windows on the affected SDM Server are closed out.  

- SQL Server Management Studio is closed out

- All SDM services are shut down, including SDM Services, xFlow, and Search Server services

- Run the installer as an Admin user (right click on Setup.exe and choose "Run As Administrator" and select only xFlow.