<TimeSamp> nsxaVim: [<NNNNNNN>]: ERROR Dvs [<DVS ID>] cannot be deleted; Failed to delete dvs [<DVS ID>]: {'fault': 'PlatformConfigFault', 'msg': 'An error occurred during host configuration.', 'faultMessage': ['Operation failed, diagnostics report: Unable to Remove Port; Status(bad0004)= Busy']}vmkernel.log
<TimeSamp> cpu<NN>:<NNNNNNN> opID=<opID>)NetDVS: 772: Failed to remove busy port <DVS ID> <Port UUID>, type 1, port->refcnt 0[reserved] port->portID <Hex Port ID>
VMware NSX-T Datacenter 3.x
Ports being busy block NVDS to be deleted.
It is known that some operations like force-deleting a port could result in such situation.
First, reboot the ESXi to release the ports.
To resume or complete migration, follow the steps.
Create a VDS-TNP from NVDS-TNP:
POST https://{{nsx_ip}}/api/v1/transport-node-profiles/{{NVDS-TNP-ID}}?action=migrate_to_vds&ref_tn_id={{tn-id}}tn-id is the TN uuid for which the migration has failed.
The API generates a new TNP with name MigratedTNP-{{Old-TNP-Name}}.
Verify that the new TNP configuration matches with the configuration of TNs under the cluster.
PUT https://{{nsx_ip}}/api/v1/nvds-urt?action=cleanupNow the migration of the cluster has been completed.
PUT https://{{nsx_ip}}/api/v1/nvds-urt?action=cleanup