Aria Automation deployments created through the GUI succeed, but those which are run from the REST API failed with 404 error, "Session token not found"
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Aria Automation deployments created through the GUI succeed, but those which are run from the REST API failed with 404 error, "Session token not found"


Article ID: 373247


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VMware Aria Suite


Deployments started by API failing due to Orchestrator session token error. Users may see these errors:

Extensibility triggered task failed. Event ID: <UUID>. Failure: Extensibility error received for topic compute.allocation.pre, eventId = '<UUID>': [10040] SubscriberID: vro-gateway-<pod-id>, RunnableID: <UUID> and SubscriptionID: sub_<subID> failed with the following error: com.vmware.automation.vro.gateway.common.RemoteVroGatewayException: Automation Orchestrator Gateway received error 404 NOT_FOUND for request: /sessions/exchange error: {"timestamp":"2024-01-23T08:12:34.567+0000","path":"/session-service/api/sessions/exchange","status":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"404 NOT_FOUND \"Session token not found\"","requestId":"<reqID>","@type":"org.springframework.web.server.ResponseStatusException"}



VMware Aria Automation 8.x


The correct two-stage authentication process needs to be followed as in the documentation


The current procedure is a two-step login, where the refresh token is first requested from "$url/csp/gateway/am/api/login?access_token" which is then used to get the bearer token.

Please see the following docs article for details: