<server1>% helm upgrade --install api-portal-dev --namespace=api-portal-dev -f portal/<myvalues-override>.yaml ./portal --debug --dry-run
history.go:56: [debug] getting history for release api-portal-dev
upgrade.go:142: [debug] preparing upgrade for api-portal-dev
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: execution error at (portal/charts/rabbitmq/templates/secrets.yaml:4:17):
PASSWORDS ERROR: You must provide your current passwords when upgrading the release.
Note that even after reinstallation, old credentials may be needed as they may be kept in persistent volume claims.
Further information can be obtained at https://docs.bitnami.com/general/how-to/troubleshoot-helm-chart-issues/#credential-errors-while-upgrading-chart-releases
'auth.password' must not be empty, please add '--set auth.password=$RABBITMQ_PASSWORD' to the command. To get the current value:
export RABBITMQ_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "api-portal-dev" rabbitmq-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.rabbitmq-password}" | base64 -d)
helm.go:84: [debug] execution error at (portal/charts/rabbitmq/templates/secrets.yaml:4:17):
PASSWORDS ERROR: You must provide your current passwords when upgrading the release.
Note that even after reinstallation, old credentials may be needed as they may be kept in persistent volume claims.
Further information can be obtained at https://docs.bitnami.com/general/how-to/troubleshoot-helm-chart-issues/#credential-errors-while-upgrading-chart-releases
'auth.password' must not be empty, please add '--set auth.password=$RABBITMQ_PASSWORD' to the command. To get the current value:
export RABBITMQ_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "api-portal-dev" rabbitmq-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.rabbitmq-password}" | base64 -d)
github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:856
User on-prem Kubernetes setup, portal 5.3
Missing/incorrect auth.password
Add --set rabbitmq.auth.password=$RABBITMQ_PASSWORD in the command line.
To get the current rabbitmq password value:
export RABBITMQ_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace <name space> rabbitmq-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.rabbitmq-password}" | base64 -d)