The Tip in the Prepare to install the DA documentation shows the incorrect result of the command
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The Tip in the Prepare to install the DA documentation shows the incorrect result of the command


Article ID: 373213


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


The below command shows the result as the version of the database. What the below command does is show the current active database. 

You can verify that the data repository is running by completing the following steps:

Open a console and log in to the data repository host as the root or sudo user.

Issue the following command:

su - dr_admin_user -c "/opt/vertica/bin/admintools -t show_active_db"

Specifies the Linux user that serves as the Vertica database administrator system account (the database administrator user).
The following response is expected:
version ------------------------------------ Vertica Analytic Database vx.x.x-x


The documentation is incorrect. 


The following command will show the version of the vertica database:

/opt/vertica/bin/vsql -c 'select version()'

To show the current active database, the following command can be run:

su - dr_admin_user -c "/opt/vertica/bin/admintools -t show_active_db"