Timesheet Notes Do Not Display After Timesheet Adjustment
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Timesheet Notes Do Not Display After Timesheet Adjustment


Article ID: 373197


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Timesheet notes do not show in the UI after it is adjusted. It appears to have disappeared.

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. Enter 3 timesheet notes or if notes already exist, add additional 3 notes.
  2. Submit and approve the timesheet and run the Post Timesheet job.
  3. Adjust the timesheet.
  4. Immediately review the timesheet notes.

Actual Result: On the adjustment timesheet, the timesheet note count decreased amount added since last posting. It is not deleted when querying the PRNOTE table, but it is not visible from the UI. Additionally, time entry notes are also being removed if 6 or more are being added.

Expected Result: The timesheet note count should be retained and visible. 



Clarity Release 16.2.x 




DE116362 is fixed in 16.3.0 (Targeted to release November 2024) and also backported to 16.2.3 patch 1