Unable to determine where the OPSSPA00 parameter file is located
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Unable to determine where the OPSSPA00 parameter file is located


Article ID: 373195


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Does the OPSSPA00 member gets picked from SYSEXEC DD or OPSSEXEC DD ? I could see multiple OPSSPA00 members and wanted to make sure which OPSSPA00  is getting used by OPSMVS.




Here is a procedure to find out from where the OPSSPA00 member is being called:

  1.  First determine the library where the OPS/MVS startup CLIST OPSTART1 is located.  Locate the first OPSTART1 CLIST in the SYSPROC DD concatenation of the OPSMAIN startup JCL. We deliver a sample CLIST in the **.CCLXCLS0 dataset but you may have a user library concatenated ahead of this sample library. Typically you can see the below:

    //         DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=HLQ.OPS140.CCLXCLS0

  2. The location of the OPSSPA00 member in use is specified close to the bottom of the OPSTART1 startup CLIST and should look similar to:
    BROWSE    HLQ.OPS140.CCLXCLS0(OPSTART1) - 01. Line 0000000112 Col
    /*   Execute a member of parmlib as an OPS/REXX program or          */
    /*   a CLIST.  The parmlib member contains product parameter        */
    /*   initialization statements.                                     */
    /*   NOTE:  to execute a CLIST comment out the OX statement         */
    /*          and remove the comment around the EXEC statement.       */


As you can see above, the variable &SUBSYSNAME will be replaced by the OPS/MVS subsystem id which is by default "OPSS". "PA" is hardcoded and &MEMBER is a suffix number that by default is "00". So, if taking the defaults, the member name will be resolved as "OPSSPA00". The values of &SUBSYSNAME and &MEMBER are taken from the OPSMAIN startup JCL:

//OPSMAIN  PROC SSID=OPSS,     <- this will be the value of &SUBSYSNAME        
//             MAINPRM=NONE,              
//             MEMBER=00,           <- this will be the value of &MEMBER    
//             LOADLIB='HLQ.OPS140.CCLXLOAD'

In the example above, the library where the OPSSPA00 member is located is HLQ.OPS140.PARMLIB but certainly you will see a different name at your site.