How to reconfigure Aria Config directory and remove the group using API
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How to reconfigure Aria Config directory and remove the group using API


Article ID: 373190


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


When the Active Directory group was renamed in Active Directory, then the group roles cannot be updated in Aria Config.

During attempt of re-add or resync the group in Aria Config, the error message pop up.

Save failed. Group nameOfGroup does not exist in the ldap configuration.


The fix this issue delete the group in Aria Config using API, then sync again and assign the roles.

Here are the steps to take that.

1. Make sure that you have a snapshot or backup of your RAAS appliance, or RAAS database server (for distributed Aria Config deployment).

2. Run API from Linux command line to get ID and Name of the group that was renamed in Active Directory.

Command to display list of groups in your RAAS.

curl --insecure --request POST https://raas.vcloud.local/rpc --user 'root:root_pass1!' --data '{"resource": "auth", "method": "get_all_groups"}' --cookie "_xsrf=fred" --header "X-Xsrftoken: fred" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq


raas.vcloud.local - is the FQDN of your RAAS(aria Config VIP or node)

root - is the local root user

root_pass1! - is password for local root user of RAAS/Aria Config

when you get the output please note the config_name and name of the group.


"config_name": "ldap"

"name": "nameOfGroup"

3. Run API to delete the group using API 

curl --insecure --request POST https://raas.vcloud.local/rpc --user 'root:root_pass1!' --data '{"resource": "auth", "method": "delete_group","kwarg":{"group_name":"nameOfGroup","config_name":"ldap"}}' --cookie "_xsrf=fred" --header "X-Xsrftoken: fred" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq

As a result of that you should some RIQ like "riq": 152658053122695 which indicates that command was process by RAAS service.

4. Then add the group back 

  1. Go to RAAS UI >> Administration >> LDAP settings >> Update Preview
  2. then go to Groups tab, and de-select the group
  3. click on save.
  4. then select the group 
  5. click on Save

5. Now go to Roles and assign the group to the Aria Roles and click SAVE