MATUNE r11.0 CICS Start message TN8887S Cannot link to program TC68CPLT
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MATUNE r11.0 CICS Start message TN8887S Cannot link to program TC68CPLT


Article ID: 37319


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Mainframe Application Tuner


After installing Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) r 11.0 I receive the following error  message at CICS startup time in my CICS 4.2 region.

TN8887S Cannot link to program TC67CPLT.



Component: MATUNE


The MAT r11.0  CICS 4.2 CSD entries were not copied to the DFHCSD file of the CICS region in question. Or the CSD entries were copied but an older version of a previous release are still being used. 

A second cause of this error message could be the incorrect placement of the MAT r11.0 PLTPI program TC00CPLT. This program must be placed in the CICS PLTPI after the DFHDELIM.   

As per the MAT r10.0 CICS installation steps please migrate and install the CSD entries that correspond to the CICS level and insure they are installed at CICS startup time. In this case MAT PLTPI program TC00CPLT checks the CICS level of the starting CICS region(4.2) and links to program TC67CPLT. If a PPT does not exist for program TC67CPLT the message TN8887S Cannot link to program TC67CPLT will be generated. 

Also make sure the MAT r11.0 PLTPI program TC00CPLT is placed after the DFHDELIM in the PLTPI used at CICS startup time.



View the CICS startup output and make sure the proper RDO group and CSD entries are being installed at CICS startup time.