The Protection Engine REST API service, by default, listens on port 8008, but is configurable to listen on any available port. However, when an attempt to add a server to be managed via the SPE Console for Windows, it will only accept port values 1025 - 65536
Protection Engine 9.x
The console program was coded with an arbitrary range of ports that were likely to not be in use.
Broadcom Engineering is aware of this issue and is committed to providing a fix.
For a temporary resolution please see the simple workaround as follows.
The workaround assumes that the server side has already been configured for the desired port e.g: 443, by editing the file, changing the "server.port=" and restarting the Rest API service.
Use the same steps as Standard Authentication except the CSV needs to be in the following format: server-name-or-address, port, UseSSL
Example: ServerName,443,false