How to disable APS ? (Advance Password services in Siteminder)
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How to disable APS ? (Advance Password services in Siteminder)


Article ID: 373183


Updated On:


CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER


How to disable APS ?


PS : Any

OS: Any


APS aka Advanced Password Service is now bundled with CA SiteMinder Policy Server installer from R12.5 and is selected as default option (instead of Basic Password Services).

But many of our customers wouldn't need APS and would like to instead use the traditional Basic Password Services.

Here is a simple way to disable APS if it has been mistakenly chosen during Policy server installation.

Option 1:


  1. Re-run Policy server configuration wizard.
  2. In the first screen, don't' choose to configure any of the features/components. (unselect all check box)
  3. in the second screen choose Basic password Services (instead of the default Advanced password Services )



Option 2:


  1. Stop Policy Server
  2. Rename SMAPS.dll from SiteMinder bin folder ( from SiteMinder lib folder in Linux )
  3. Rename APS.cfg from SiteMinder bin folder
  4. Restart Policy Server