DX UIM oc wasp high sql server cpu usage
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DX UIM oc wasp high sql server cpu usage


Article ID: 373171


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


We are observing a high CPU Usage on the Microsoft SQL Server  which is our DX UIM DB.

We have identified an offending query, that is executed on the DB very frequenctly and it seems it is overloading the DB and causing the high CPU Usage.

 We believe the offending query is the below:


select cs.cs_id as csid, max(sqss.sampletime) as latestsampletime

from S_QOS_DATA qos

join S_QOS_SNAPSHOT sqss on sqss.table_id = qos.table_id

join CM_CONFIGURATION_ITEM_METRIC cim on cim.ci_metric_id = qos.ci_metric_id

join CM_CONFIGURATION_ITEM ci on ci.ci_id = cim.ci_id

join CM_DEVICE dev on dev.dev_id = ci.dev_id

join CM_COMPUTER_SYSTEM cs on cs.cs_id = dev.cs_id

group by cs.cs_id



DX UIM 20.4 CU9, 23.4.0 and 23.4 CU1



Non-performing query


The attached build of nisapi utilizes the same query with a WHERE condition, enhancing query performance and addressing the issue.

Steps to deploy the fix: 

1. Import the build to the IM or Admin Console 

2. Deploy to the OC Wasp robot

3. OC will restart


nisapi_wasp-23.4.1-T1-20240725.055807-1.zip get_app