What databases does NFA use and what is their default port, usernames, and passwords?
NFA Console Server:
Database: reporter (NFA Console configuration, users, groups, devices, and interfaces)
Port: 3308
User: netqos Password: netqos
Database: harvester (NFA Harvester configuration settings, devices and interfaces)
Port: 3308
User: harvest Password: harvest
Database: poller (NFA Poller configuration settings, snmp profiles, snmp polling results, and interface mappings)
Port: 3308
User: netqos Password: netqos
Database: data_retention (Data Pruning Configuration for harvesters)
Port: 3308
User: netqos Password: netqos
Database: archive (Access to mysql custom storage engine for 1 minute resolution data)
Port 3307
User: archive Password: archive
Database: archive15 (Access to mysql custom storage engine for 15 minute resolution data)
Port 3307
User: archive Password: archive
Database: nqrptr (DSA Settings only in 9.1 and newer, 15 minute data in RA 9.0 and earlier)
Port: 3308
User: netqos Password: netqos
Database: data_retention (Data Pruning Configuration for harvesters)
Port: 3308
User: netqos Password: netqos