Session Store server failed to start: Cannot register SNMP address or Syntax Error: Line 1
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Session Store server failed to start: Cannot register SNMP address or Syntax Error: Line 1


Article ID: 373130


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SITEMINDER CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign-On


After dxserver start command, CA directory Session Store server is facing issue to come online.

Below are the error that noticed in the CA directory trace logs. 

* [6] yyyymmdd.170007.674 DSA_W2720 Multiwrite: DSA 'ExampleSessionStore' cannot be contacted
* [1] yyyymmdd.170108.841 DSA_W2720 Multiwrite: DSA 'ExampleSessionStore' cannot be contacted
* [5] yyyymmdd.170209.007 DSA_W2720 Multiwrite: DSA 'ExampleSessionStore' cannot be contacted
* [6] yyyymmdd.170310.029 DSA_W2720 Multiwrite: DSA 'ExampleSessionStore' cannot be contacted
* [64] yyyymmdd.170330.898 DSA_E1990 Cannot register SNMP address
> [64] >>> };
? [64] yyyymmdd.170330.898 ERROR : Syntax Error: Line 1 in <installDir>/dxserver/config/knowledge/ExampleSessionStore.dxc near '}'
Cannot set DSA
* [64] yyyymmdd.170331.009 DSA_E1280 Error in initialization files
* [64] yyyymmdd.170331.009 DSA_I1240 DSA shutting down


CA directory: All Platform


The "Syntax Error" is misleading, most likely there is another process on the server already listening on the specific port.


  1. Open file <installDir>/dxserver//config/knowledge/ExampleSessionStore.dxc, obtain the value of snmp-port=port.

  2. Use "netstat -nltup | grep port" command, verified that there is another process already running on the same port.

  3. Stop or kill that process, then start Session Store again.