ICDm submitting a file to the sandbox results in error: Error Manual Submission for file failed
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ICDm submitting a file to the sandbox results in error: Error Manual Submission for file failed


Article ID: 373129


Updated On:


Endpoint Security Complete


When submitting a file in ICDm using the command: Submit to Sandbox, the error is thrown: Error Manual Submission for file failed.

Similarly, in ICDM when using the Get File command, the error is thrown: Error occurred for get file command


When you choose the supported file-types ( for PE files ), the list of file types you can submit using this option are:

("acm", "ax", "cpl", "dll", "drv", "efi", "exe", "mui", "ocx", "scr", "sys", "tsp")

If you choose an unsupported file type such as .msi, the errors are thrown.


When using the Submit to Sandbox or Get File command, use second radial option and enter the credentials or select and use the PIN option.