Unable to pull Wavefront monitoring image using TMC
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Unable to pull Wavefront monitoring image using TMC


Article ID: 373125


Updated On:


Aria Operations for Applications Wavefront by VMware Observability


Using Wavefront application and installed it through TMC but it cannot pull images.

"Back-off pulling image "projects.registry.vmware.com/tanzu_observability_keights_saas/tmc-wavefront-operator:0.9.0""


Previous Image has been archived or no longer available via GitHub.

Information on pulling down the current image used by Wavefront Observability is available via the Wavefront User Interface (UI).


  1. Log into your Wavefront UI.   https://<clusterName>.wavefront.com
  2. Go to Integrations
  3. Select Kubernetes or Tanzu Mission Control.   Ether integration option uses the same deployment image.
  4. Click on "Add AN INTEGRATION INSTANCE" (top-right-hand side of page)
  5. Complete the Configuration and Authentication Sections and click "Next"

Copy the deployment script and run it in your Kubernetes cluster to download the current Wavefront observability image.

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