Error "Organization vDC compute policy is being used by VMs. Before deleting, remove all VMs from this policy" thrown when trying to delete Provider VDC
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Error "Organization vDC compute policy is being used by VMs. Before deleting, remove all VMs from this policy" thrown when trying to delete Provider VDC


Article ID: 373060


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • Error about VMs using vGPU profile, when trying to delete PvDC with OvDC and vGPU profile
  • The Provider VDC was removed from the vGPU profile scope
  • The following error is displayed when attempting to remove the Provider VDC:

    Internal Server Error
     - could not delete: [com.vmware.vcloud.common.model.vdc.ProviderVdcModel#xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx]
     - ERROR: update or delete on table "vdc_compute_policy" violates foreign key constraint "fk_vapp_vm2vdc_comp_poli" on table "vapp_vm"
      Detail: Key (id)=(xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) is still referenced from table "vapp_vm".


VMware Cloud Director


This is a known issue in Cloud Director 

The issue occurs only when you create a compute policy that is associated to a PVDC and then add further PVDCs in later time.

The vdc_compute_policy table shows the pvdc_id as the value of the original PVDC which should be set to NULL and causing the problem.


To resolve this issue, please open a Support Request with VMware Technical Support and reference this article.
Database modifications may be required to resolve this issue and will require VMware Technical Support assistance.