Aria Orchestrator lost Polyglot languages post upgrade
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Aria Orchestrator lost Polyglot languages post upgrade


Article ID: 373029


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • This kb is to help with a vco service that has lost languages from the script list after an upgrade of the appliance.
  • The symptoms are that vco starts, but one of more languages in the available script language disappears. vracli is reporting the correct enterprise license. 


  • Aria Orchestrator appliance 8.x, Standalone or Embedded. 


  • The configuration list of XML files has been corrupted post-upgrade.
  • The list of available languages in web UI should differ from this list.

kubectl -n prelude exec -it $(kubectl get pod -n prelude -l app=vco-app -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -c vco-polyglot-runner -- docker image ls

reports should appear like this.

REPOSITORY TAG                     

vmware/vco-polyglot-powershell 7.4.1

vmware/vco-polyglot-powercli 13.2.1-powershell-7.4.1

vmware/vco-polyglot-powercli 12.7.0-powershell-7.4.1

vmware/vco-polyglot-python 3.10.11

vmware/vco-polyglot-node 20.11.0

vmware/vco-polyglot-node 18.18.2


  • On the primary appliance or the affected nodes, run the following command.

kubectl exec -n prelude $(kubectl get pod -n prelude -l app=vco-app --field-selector spec.nodeName=$(current_node) -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -c vco-server-app -- bash -c "kill 1"

This will rebuild the Orchestrator service and recompile the XML files.