After configuring the Conditional Formatting on the Staff grid module, it might happen that the records are not displayed on the Grid.
"No Rows To Show"
1. Open one Project in the Modern UX.
2. Select the Staff module.
3. Add some Staff/Resource(s) to the Staff Grid.
4. Configure some Rules in Conditional Formatting.If Primary Role (Resource) = Architect; DBA then Format (select Red Background) Apply to Entire Row.
5. Observe the rule being applied on the Grid.
6. On the list of Columns displayed, unselect any Field that might be selected for the Resource.
7. Reload the view.
Expected Results: The results to always display all records in the grid, just applying the formatting as per the rule.
Actual Results: No rows to show. No records displayed at all if conditional formatting is enabled and no fields from the Resource are selected as colums/fields.
Clarity PPM 16.2.2
This has been reported to SE as DE116306
DE116306 has been fixed by SE. The fix will be in the release 16.3.0.
Workaround: Add some columns/field(s) from the Resource to the Staff Grid or disable Conditional Formatting.