VCO upgrade steps to upgrade VCO from from any version starting from 5.x to 6.x.
This document should be followed only for upgrades to 6.x versions.
VMware SDWAN Orchestrator
Pre-requisites before starting VCO upgrade :-
In order to make use of that additional security layer, please make sure to download the respective public key and place it in the following location. This key should be available to you from the same location where you downloaded the upgrade package.
/var/lib/velocloud/software_update/keys/software.key |
You may need to create the respective directory if it doesn't exists:
mkdir /var/lib/velocloud/software_update/keys |
root@vco1:~# /opt/vc/bin/vco_software_update --help Software Upgrade Usage: /opt/vc/bin/vco_software_update [--untrusted] [--batch] [--debug] [--pubkey=KEY] |
cp <image location>/image_name.tar /var/lib/velocloud/software_update/vco_update.tar |
VCO upgrade steps :-
1) Upgrade standby VCO (It’s important that this one is done first):
1.0 Ensure that there is atleast 30 GB of VFree for 'vols' disk (This is only required for upgrades to 6.x VCO versions)
As a prerequisite for the upgrade, the 'vols' volume group should have atleast 30 GB of free space (It is indicated by VFree).
sudo vgs
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
vols 1 7 0 wz--n- <127.90g 40.68g
1.1 Execute this step if you upgrading from anything lower than to a version equal or higher than If not, proceed to step 1.2
The following MySQL command must be run in the Standby VCO prior to performing the upgrade
1.2 Execute the following command as root user to trigger the upgrade process
apt clean all /opt/vc/bin/vco_software_update |
1.3 Reboot.
The upgrade mechanism will determine if this is required and will ask for it to be performed. The user can chose to perform it immediately (advised) or at a later time . The following message appears:
Reboot is required. Reboot? (y/n) [y] |
2) Upgrade Primary VCO
2.0 Ensure that there is atleast 30 GB of VFree for 'vols' disk (This is only required for upgrades to 6.x VCO versions)
As a prerequisite for the upgrade, the 'vols' volume group should have atleast 30 GB of free space (It is indicated by VFree).
sudo vgs
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
vols 1 7 0 wz--n- <127.90g 40.68g
2.1 Execute the following command as root user to trigger the upgrade process
apt clean all /opt/vc/bin/vco_software_update |
2.2 Reboot
The upgrade mechanism will determine if this is required and will ask for it to be performed. The user can chose to perform it immediately (advised) or at a later time . The following message appears:
Reboot is required. Reboot? (y/n) [y] |
Do not proceed to perform the step below until the reboot (if required) is completed
3) Run schema update
Execute the following script present on the VCO inside the path: /opt/vc/scripts/ with option -e
/opt/vc/scripts/ -e |
#/opt/vc/scripts/ -h Usage: [OPTIONS]
Options: -h, --help Print this help -d, --dry-run Print update schema query that is going to execute and exit. -e, --execute Printe update schema query and execute it. Actual query execution will be carried out by MySQL event scheduler starting in 60 seconds after executing the query This script would return immidiately after the execution and delete the schema update sql file -s, --status Fetch and print the status of the ongoing scheduler execution |
# /opt/vc/scripts/ -s *************************** 1. row *************************** Db: velocloud Name: longRunningOperations Definer: velocloud-root@localhost Time zone: SYSTEM Type: ONE TIME Execute at: 2022-05-12 07:30:56 Interval value: NULL Interval field: NULL Starts: NULL Ends: NULL Status: DISABLED Originator: 1 character_set_client: utf8mb4 collation_connection: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci Database Collation: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci |
In case if we see below output after running schema update command, then it means that there are no pending schema changes and it is normal for some VCO upgrades.
For On Prem Setup, if you need assistance with VCO upgrade, kindly engage Broadcom Support.
In case, you need help to increase VFree for "vols", you can follow below steps :-
1) Add Hard disk 5 from VCENTER/ESXi to the VCO VM
2) Run "sudo pvcreate /dev/sde"
3) Run "vgextend vols /dev/sde"