How can I disable or enable the Store and Forward Feature (SAF) on the Event Agent running on Unix or Linux?
Run these commands to disable it
- rm $CAIGLBL0000/opr/config/<hostname>/oprsaf (This is a file marker to enable or disable SAF )
- execute the environment scripts ( . $CAIGLBL0000/opr/scripts/envusr)
- env | grep CA_OPR_SAF --> ensure the variable is now set to "N"
- then recycle the OPR component with
- unishutdown opr
- unistart opr
To enable SAF, create the file marker with the "touch" command:
- touch $CAIGLBL0000/opr/config/<hostname>/oprsaf
- execute the environment scripts ( . $CAIGLBL0000/opr/scripts/envusr) or su - root if the environment is sourced from root
- env | grep CA_OPR_SAF --> ensure the variable is now set to "Y"
- then recycle the OPR component with
- unishutdown opr
- unistart opr