We are unable to add the service groups to the AIOps, we are trying to add a couple of service groups to the AIOps from the UIM inventory but the UIM groups do not pop up in the service definition. We have restarted the apm_bridge and checked it, which did not help us.
The issue was worked around for now by a configuration change:
->Enabled https_port parameter and value in all wasp.cfg's
wasp in 01 where the LB is sending the data did not have either http_port nor https_port defined nor configured.
The error in the apm_bridge.log showed up as->
org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to <hostname_1>.company.net:80 [<hostname_1>.company.net/##.##.###.###] failed: Connection refused: connect
The unknown change that was made was that <hostname_1>.company.net no longer had the http_port enabled which was evidenced by the use of postman and the 404 error. HTTP was disabled and both http and https parms were missing at the same time.
apm_bridge is running on the Primary hub and can fetch the data now when the https port is enabled.
Steps were provided as an example on how to enable https.
Configuration change:
Enabled https_port's in all wasp.cfg's
wasp in <hostname_1>, where the LB is first sending the data did not have the http_port nor https_port configured.
Steps were provided to enable https.
As enabling https in apm_bridge side requires certificate import into the jre where apm_bridge probe is running, here are the steps discussed and provided to you during the call. Whenever your certificate is ready you may perform the below steps
1. Store the certificate file in any location
2. Open command prompt and change the directory to C:\PROGRA~2\Nimsoft\jre\jre8u402b06\bin
You will have keytool binary in bin directory which is useful for importing certificates
3. Take a backup of cacerts file available in C:\PROGRA~2\Nimsoft\jre\jre8u402b06\lib\security(cacerts file)
4. Use the command:
keytool -import –trustcacerts -keystore C:\PROGRA~2\Nimsoft\jre\jre8u402b06\lib\security\cacerts -file "filepath where crt file is stored" -alias aliasname
e.g.,: keytool -import –trustcacerts -keystore C:\PROGRA~2\Nimsoft\jre\jre8u402b06\lib\security\cacerts -file "C:\ca\DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt" -alias DXOIRootCert
Note: Certificate extension is just an example, it can be .cer or .der or any valid format certified by UIM.