ntevl not sending some alarms. (misses some events matching)
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ntevl not sending some alarms. (misses some events matching)


Article ID: 372840


Updated On: 07-23-2024


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


The ntevl did not match an event we know it occurred, consequentrly the ntevl is not sending alarms for some occurrences of events. 

For example, an event that is normally matched and alarmed is sent through the probe it is not matched and no alarm is sent in some occasions. 

Loglevel 3 does not show any information for that particular period when the issue was observed.

Why did this happen? Under which circumstances the probe may not report an event that should have been matched?  


DX UIM 20.4.* / 23.4.* 

ntevl any version


Root cause of this issue could be high memory or CPU usage in the robot. A high CPU or Memory consumptions in the same system where the probe is running may affect the ability of the probe to work as designed. 


Resolve the issues on the server hosting the robot and probe that are causing the high CPU or Memory consumption to avoid any missing monitored event.