SNMPGTW probe sending multiple traps of the same alarm
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SNMPGTW probe sending multiple traps of the same alarm


Article ID: 372807


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Configured snmpgtw probe to send traps to an event manager when an alarm is created. It working fine except when multiple instances of the same alarm with the same suppression key stacks every five mins, the same amount of traps are sent to the event manager.

Is there anyway to suppress this on the snmpgtw probe end? Use case is to see only that trap from alarm would be only sent once to the event manager and subsequent multiple instances of the same alarm will not send any traps from the snmpgtw probe to the event manager.


UIM :Any supported UIM environment 

probe: snmpgtw


You will have to do below steps for example

  • Create a new ATTACH queue called snmpgtw with the subject of 'outbound' within the hub queues configuration.
  • In the snmpgtw probe raw configuration, change the key "subject" with the existing value of "alarm" to "outbound"
  • Open the NAS probe and create a new Auto-Operator profile

        Set the Action type to "repost"
        Action Mode = On overdue = 10s
        Message Counter = 1
        Change the Subject to "outbound"

  •  Set the appropriate matching criteria in the AO profile for the alarms you want to repost
  •  So what will happen is the snmpgtw will only send trap for first instance of the alarm as message counter is 1