Unable to make Branding Modifications on Aria Automation 8.x due to the Apply button being greyed out.
Aria Automation 8.x.
The Apply button will appear disabled under certain conditions, including if the UI form is considered invalid or the page is busy.
However, it was noticed that in Aria Automation 8.17 and later, the Apply button might be greyed out even despite having values populated for all fields and no underlying service changes/ maintenance activates on the appliances.
This may be due to the code modifications done prior to the release of Aria Automation 8.17, to support dark mode. This code is behind a feature toggle, thus the options wouldn't be visible in the UI unless toggled, however, the form elements exist. These hidden form elements due to not having values may cause the form validations to fail and as a result causing the Apply button to be disabled.
Aria Automation's Team is aware of this and is working on modifications, and should be in place in upcoming releases, however the fix is yet to be planned into the release plan.
A simple way to workaround this would be to click on the "Restore Defaults" button in the UI. This would populate default values into all the form fields, including the hidden form elements, and re-enable the Apply button. We can then go ahead and modify the branding customizations as required.