Classic - When attempting to click Return or Save and Return from resource properties in Ideas it is not taking user back.
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Classic - When attempting to click Return or Save and Return from resource properties in Ideas it is not taking user back.


Article ID: 372686


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When we clicks on 'Return' or 'Save and Return' button on Idea --> Team --> Details --> Resource Properties it will not take them back to the correct page. Once on that page it is not possible to return from the page.

1. Login to Classic UI.
2. Go to Home->Ideas.
3. Open an existing idea or create new one.
4. Click on Team tab and go to Details.
5. Add a resource.
6. Click on Properties of that resource.
7. Click on Return or Save and Return
8. Notice you land on the page without any tabs so user is not sure how to leave this page.

Expected Results: It should take user back from where they clicked on resource's properties.

Actual Results: it is taking user to different page



DE116253, Fixed in 16.3.0.

Workaround: Make properties page open as a pop-up instead of in the same window