The LISTFILE command is showing the following entries for files JESJCLIN and $INTTEXT:
DDname Stepname Procstep Status
The following instructions detail how to stop the SYSVIEW LISTFILE command from showing entries for the files JESJCLIN and $INTTEXT.
1. Using the SYSVIEW command "PROFILE GENERAL", review the profile being used, in particular the ALLFILES setting.
2. Issue FIND ALLFILES. Tab to the "Value" column for ALLFILES and change it to NO.
3. Type PROFILE SAVE, and RETURN (PF3/15) all the way out.
With ALLFILES NO you should no longer see JESJCLIN and $INTTEXT.
The HELP ALLFILES panel in CA SYSVIEW states that the ALLFILES command includes the internal text file, the sysin files and all processed output files on the LISTFILE and OUTPUT displays. When ALLFILES is off, these files are not displayed.
You can also determine the setting for ALLFILES by using the SYSVIEW command QUERY . The command format is QUERY ALLFILES.
This command will generate a message detailing the status of the setting. ie: QUER009I ALLFILES value is YES/NO
You can change the value of ALLFILES by using the SYSVIEW SET command. The SET command functions as a command line interface
to change your profile. The PROFILE command functions as a full-screen interface. Changes made using the SET and PROFILE commands
are permanent. You can use the SET command to change most of the parameters defined in the profile. The command format is:
You can confirm the setting after making the change by issuing the QUERY ALLFILES command.