VMs created from a template or VM cloning takes a unusually high time.
These tasks would reach 0% to 95% in less than 30 seconds but the progress stalls after that.
Some of the VMs could easily take 50 to 80 minutes for its creation even if the disk size is only a few GBs.
In vpxd.log, we may see the Operation timed out' being logged:
2024-07-11T11:56:49.426Z verbose vpxd[05975] [Originator@6876 sub=Http2ServerSession-1 opID=1b548ab1] Releasing stream; {<io_obj p:0x00007fe7e4063310, h:82, <TCP ' : 8085'>, <TCP ' : 58446'>>, id: 48879289, state(in/out): 3/3}, active: 7
2024-07-11T11:56:49.426Z verbose vpxd[05975] [Originator@6876 sub=Http2ServerSession-1 opID=1b548ab1] OnStreamClose on stream 48879289 with errcode 0
2024-07-11T11:56:49.419Z error vpxd[06477] [Originator@6876 sub=IO.Http opID=lugvpcgf-2717810-auto-1m92s-h5:70342197-fd-01] User agent failed to send request; (null), N7Vmacore16TimeoutExceptionE(Operation timed out)
--> [context]zKq7AVECAQAAAIUcWQE1dnB4ZAAAxbVTbGlidm1hY29yZS5zbwAAUglDAIwxRADMSksAa5dIAbxNIGxpYnZtb21pLnNvAAGdxx8BfTYaAoRUAmxpYnZzbS10eXBlcy5zbwCD4b5FAnZweGQAg3PDRQKD9sNFAoOExUUCAX02GgHNKhqEPtAmAWxpYnZpbS10eXBlcy5zbwCDa6+7AYNfsrsBg0LwMQGDEl0iAoNRYCICg1tZHgKD9lkeAoPTTCUCg+lNJQKDQ/4kAoN9CGICg88YYgKD+S9hAoNSi2ECg6eVGgKDIZcaAoMijhoCg7mOGgKDIo4aAoO3kRoCg2ySGgKDWpsaAoPxNdcBg4s21wGEfgIyAYO5d2MCAdXDG4MgokMCg30IYgKDzxhiAoP5L2ECg5QCYgIA5ss3APkkOACTwFEFro4AbGlicHRocmVhZC5zby4wAAYv3g9saWJjLnNvLjYA[/context]
2024-07-11T11:56:49.419Z error vpxd[06437] [Originator@6876 sub=OvfConsumers opID=lugvpcgf-2717810-auto-1m92s-h5:70342197-fd-01] Failed to authenticate with VSM; stubAdapter: <<cs p:000055bf61d18440, TCP:localhost:1080>, /vsm/sdk>, N7Vmacore16TimeoutExceptionE(Operation timed out)
VSM logs further confirms of failing to validate the user as the token has expired:
2024-07-11T11:56:49.440Z ERROR [pool-4-thread-1] VsmActivationValidator.java 267 - Failed to validate user: only vpxd-svc-acct requests allowed and not
VMware vCenter Server 8.0 U2
This is a known issue with vCenter 8.0U2 and is resolved in patch 8.0U2 P03 or 8.0U3.
Workaround for this issue is to restart VSM service.