Gantt Load locks not cleared by Clean User Sessions job
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Gantt Load locks not cleared by Clean User Sessions job


Article ID: 372585


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Clarity PRLOCK table will hold orphans for ~ganttLoad / Gantt Load Locks which will not get cleared by Clean User Sessions job

  1. On a large customer environment, open a large project with WBS
  2. Open Gantt in either Classic or MUX
  3. Check that the ~ganttLoad lock is created in PRLOCK table, if not, click on Expand All or Collapse All
  4. Once the lock is there, note the entry is also there in TEMP_WBS
  5. The gantt lock is typically removed upon the Gantt fully loading, sometimes though it seems to remain orphaned in the PRLOCK table

Expected Results: Both the Gantt Load Lock and the TEMP_WBS to be cleared with Clean User Sessions job

Actual Results: TEMP_WBS is cleared but PRLOCK isn't, and the Gantt Load Lock remains in PRLOCK table, and has to be cleared manually from Security Locks. Clean User Sessions job does not have a mechanism to remove Gantt locks from PRLOCK table


Clarity 16.2.0, 16.2.1, 16.2.2, 16.2.3


This is DE116229, fixed in 16.3.0

Workaround: Manually delete the Gantt locks from security.locks page