Aria Config jobs are not running on salt-minions
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Aria Config jobs are not running on salt-minions


Article ID: 372583


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


Jobs coming from Aria Config UI, and Aria Automation for minion deployments, are not being processed and no return data for jobs is shown

Job returns in the Activity tab such as success, failed, not returned all show 0


Aria Automation Config all versions

Tanzu Salt all versions

Salt Project all versions


One or more Salt Masters do not have the salt-master service running 


  1. Login to the Salt Master machine as the root user via SSH
    1. You can get a list of Salt Masters available in the environment by reviewing "Administration > Master Keys" if you are unsure
  2. Ensure the salt-master service is running with the following command:
    1. systemctl status salt-master
  3. If the service is not running start it with the following command:
    1. systemctl start salt-master
  4. Try running the job again and confirm that it is processed and returns are displayed in the UI once completed successfully