Error in job spool file after failure - /etc/auto.profile: Permission denied
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Error in job spool file after failure - /etc/auto.profile: Permission denied


Article ID: 372578


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Autosys Workload Automation


A job running on a UNIX/Linux agent fails immediately with an exit code of 1. No std_out or std_err files are created. When viewing the spool file with 'autosyslog -J <job_name> -t S', it contains the following error...

/opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/SystemAgent/WA_AGENT/spool/XXX_SCH/MAIN/WAAE_WF0.1/ line 3: /etc/auto.profile: Permission denied


On the agent machine where the job runs, make sure /etc/auto.profile has world read permission. It must be readable by any user that owns a command job that runs on the agent.