After upgrading ConnectALL, the Broker service does not start up again.
'systemctl status connectall-broker' shows the following output
● connectall-broker.service - ConnectALL Broker Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/connectall-broker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2024-07-11 16:33:05 UTC; 19min ago
Process: nnnn ExecStart=<CONNECTALL_HOME>/Broker/connectall-broker/bin/artemis-service start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Starting the Broker manually results in the following output:
Starting artemis-service
Could not start artemis-service
Additionally, no log entries are generated.
ConnectALL On-Premise
This can be caused if the <CONNECTALL_HOME>/Broker/apache-artemis-n.nn.n directory does not deploy correctly during the upgrade.
Check the <CONNECTALL_HOME>/Broker to see how many sub folders are listed. If only the connectall-broker directory exists, then it is likely this issue is affecting you.
ConnectALL does not always use the same version of the broker for each new version of the product. Therefore it may be necessary to open a support ticket for assistance.
In some cases the version you are upgrading from is the same as the version you are installing and in that case, you may copy the files from your backup.
For example, versions 3.3 and 3.4 use the same broker version and you can copy the apache-artemis-2.31.2 from your backup folder to your <CONNECTALL_HOME>/Broker/ folder.
Please review the following table to see which versions of the broker are included with each version of ConnectALL:
ConnectALL Version | Broker Version |
3.1 | 2.29.0 |
3.2 | 2.31.2 |
3.3 | 2.31.2 |
3.4 | 2.31.2 |
If the version is not known, or you are unable to copy the backup, please open a support ticket for further assistance.