Failed to establish connection to HBR
journalctl -u hbrsrc.service -b
on the Replicator appliance, you see messages similar to:Jul 18 13:09:17 mngapp.local hbrsrv.stdout[717349]: ERROR: C++ run-time terminate handler invoked.. Check syslog or logfile for details Jul 18 13:09:17 MmAst1ClMgAvlRm01.mgmt.cld hbrsrv[717348]: C++ run-time terminate handler invoked. Jul 18 13:09:17 mngapp.local hbrsrv[717348]: Unhandled exception 'Vmacore::FileFormatException': Duplicate child: hostConnectionUseSdkEndpoint Jul 18 13:09:17 mngapp.local hbrsrv.stdout[717349]: Unhandled exception 'Vmacore::FileFormatException': Duplicate child: hostConnectionUseSdkEndpoint Jul 18 13:09:17 mngapp.local systemd[1]: hbrsrv.service: Main process exited, code=dumped, status=6/ABRT Jul 18 13:09:17 mngapp.local systemd[1]: hbrsrv.service: Failed with result 'core-dum
Cloud director Availability 4.x
This issue occurs due to a parameter duplication in the HBR configuration file generated during the replicator upgrade.
to fix this issue follow this steps:
systemctl stop hbrsrv.service
cp /ect/vmware/hbrsrv.xml /etc/vmware/hbrsrv.xml.bkp
<!-- <hostConnectionUseHbrTunnelEndpoint>false</hostConnectionUseHbrTunnelEndpoint> -->
<!-- <hostConnectionUseSdkEndpoint>false</hostConnectionUseSdkEndpoint> -->
systemctl start hbrsrv.service