Why are we unable to use the field “Projected Violation Time”/attribute mintime in calculating SLA for employee web interface?
Service Desk Manager 17.3 and higher
The projected violation field will be calculated based on events attached to the ticket.
“Projected Violation Time” field is not designed to save data as projected violation time no longer applies to the ticket when the time has reached/completed. This is because the mintime attribute is a LOCAL attribute and exists only at the object layer in the ‘CR’ object and does not exist as an attribute of the ‘call_req’ table in the database.
Projected Violation is computed by TTV Daemon about 1 minute after a ticket created or updated.
TTV Daemon looks at all pending Attached Service Type events attached to the ticket. It evaluates all the condition macros attached to see if any will cause violation to the ticket. If it does find it will set Projected Violation to expiration time of the earliest Attached Service Type Event that will be violated.
So once the ticket is saved we need to wait for TTV Daemon to look and calculate the projected violation field. We do not have a way to manually control the way it is calculated.