Workload Domain Deployment in SDDC Manager 5.1.x Fails with Error "VMDIR Service Is Not in 'NORMAL' State".
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Workload Domain Deployment in SDDC Manager 5.1.x Fails with Error "VMDIR Service Is Not in 'NORMAL' State".


Article ID: 372480


Updated On:


VMware SDDC Manager




    • In the SDDC Manager UI, the task to join the vCenter Server to the Single Sign-On (SSO) Ring Topology shows the following error:

      Failed to join new SSO node
      Cause: Retriable operation 'Waiting to get the state of VMDIR service for' failed to complete after 10 retries. VMDIR service is not in 'NORMAL' state."
    • SDDC manager logs contains errors similar to the excerpt below:

      DEBUG [vcf_dm,668e96c2cd759f46e205153f80dbc722,b0c3] [c.v.evo.sddc.common.util.SshUtil,dm-exec-8]  The command [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/dir-cli state get --password **************** ] executed on Status: 246, Timed out: false
      Error: dir-cli failed. Error 382312694: Access denied, reason = rpc_s_auth_method (0x16c9a0f6).
      ERROR [vcf_dm,655dbbe9d9225aea48d1e9a3e091c0b0,8153] [c.v.e.s.o.model.error.ErrorFactory,dm-exec-9]  [OHTOJR]
      FAILED_TO_JOIN_SSO_NODE Failed to join new SSO node
      com.vmware.evo.sddc.orchestrator.exceptions.OrchTaskException: Failed to join new SSO node
      Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Retriable operation 'Waiting to get the state of VMDIR service for' failed to complete after 10 retries
    • vCenter logs contains errors similar to the excerpt below:

      t@139923633980992:ERROR: VdirPasswordFailEvent from user(cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=vsphere,dc=local), error(0)()
      t@139923633980992:ERROR: Srv_rpc_srp_verifier_verify_session failed, status (382312692)
    • The VMDIR of the vCenter is confirmed to be in NORMAL state.

      Note: You can verify by executing the following command on the vCenter in BASH mode:

      # /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/dir-cli state get

    • The SSO administrator password used by SDDC Manager is confirmed to be functional.



VMware Cloud foundation 5.1.x


The issue occurs because the SSO password is misinterpreted during workflow execution due to the presence of special characters.

This problem affects only VCF version 5.1.x.


  • Fixed in VCF version 5.2.



    1. Delete the failed workload domain: Delete a VI Workload Domain.
    2. Change the SSO administrator account password from SDDC Manager Password Management to a password that does not contain @, \, =, #, $, &, ", parentheses, square or curly brackets.
      • Password for [email protected] cannot be update/rotate/remediate from SDDC Manager when logged in as [email protected]. use another account with SSO admin privileges and has admin access to SDDC Manager
    3. Reattempt the deployment.


    Note: If deletion of the failed workload domain is not possible open a case with VCF Global Support for assistance.