How to download VCF Bundles using API
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How to download VCF Bundles using API


Article ID: 372387


Updated On:


VMware SDDC Manager VMware Cloud Foundation 5.x VMware Cloud Foundation


If bundles are not available to download through the SDDC Manager UI, you may need to download the bundles through the SDDC Manager API.


VMware Cloud Foundation 5.x


  1. Create Token - Use Option (a) or Option (b)

    1. Using SDDC Manager API
      1. Open SDDC Manager UI > Developer Center > API Explorer.
      2. Browse to Tokens > POST /v1/tokens > Parameter
      3. Click on TokenCreationSpec on the right side to generate the spec
      4. Enter in the administrator username/password and press execute (you can leave the "apiKey" and "id Token" empty). 

    2. Using CLI
      1. SSH to SDDC Manager using vcf and su to root

      2. Run the below command to generate the Token
        curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "<sso_username>","password": "<sso_password>"}' https://<sddc_manager_IP>/v1/tokens | json_pp


  2. Get the Bundle ID from the KB VMware Cloud Foundation - Upgrade Bundle Details

  3. Download the bundle
    curl -k 'https://<sddc_manager_IP>/v1/bundles/<bundle id gathered from Step # 2>' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN receievd from Step # 1>' \
    -d '{
    "bundleDownloadSpec" : {
    "downloadNow" : true


  4. The bundle should now be downloading and visible in the SDDC Manager UI