Unable to execute VRO Workflow within Cloud Director UI
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Unable to execute VRO Workflow within Cloud Director UI


Article ID: 372373


Updated On: 07-17-2024


VMware Cloud Director


  • After publishing the vRO Workflow UI Plugin to a tenant the workflow execute option is not available
  • The tenant is using a global role which has been configured with the required execute permissions.


Cloud Director 10.x


If you have permissions assigned in a global role, but you do not have them enabled in the rights bundle which is defined for that Tenant organization, then the permissions will not be available for the user to utilize. VRO execute permissions are only installed during installation of the VRO plugin and therefore are not enabled by default in the rights bundle


To resolve this issue ensure that the following permissions are enabled in the rights bundle used by the tenant. By default a tenant would utilize the "Default Rights Bundle" but this can be customized by Providers. 

  1. In the Provider UI navigate to Administration -> Tenant Access Control -> Rights Bundles
  2. Select the "Default Rights Bundle" and ensure that the following right is enabled.

    Extensions -> Additional Services -> Execute Available Workflow.
    Extensions -> vRealize Orchestrator -> Manage -> Grant and Revoke Tenant Access to vRealize Orchestrator.