Uninstall DX UIM robots via command line on Windows
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Uninstall DX UIM robots via command line on Windows


Article ID: 372363


Updated On: 07-25-2024


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


How can we uninstall Windows Nimsoft / DX UIM robots via a command line if the uninstaller (unistall.exe) is not present?

We want to uninstall DX UIM robots via command in line in bulk, what is the procedure? 


DX UIM 20.4.* / 23.4.* 




  • If the robot was installed via GUI (32 bit robot. Typically installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft) execute the following commands:

sc stop NimbusWatcherService
sc delete NimbusWatcherService
"C:\Windows\System32\REG" DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{4337A496-6773-4624-985F-E203E1D08CC9}" /f
rmdir /s /q <UIM_INSTALL_FOLDER> 
--(Eg:rmdir /s /q  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft")



  • If the robot was installed differently (Eg.via native installer, or with Automated robot install) (64bit robot, Typically installed in C:\Program Files\Nimsoft) execute the following commands: 

sc stop NimbusWatcherService
sc delete NimbusWatcherService
"C:\Windows\System32\REG" DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{D4BD8ECF-3D32-4F3E-A4DB-A87052CFD4EA}_is1" /f
rmdir /s /q <UIM_INSTALL_FOLDER> 
--(Eg:rmdir /s /q  "C:\Program Files\Nimsoft")

Additional Information

As of July 2024, current docs include incomplete steps for robot uninstallation on windows.
Start, Stop, or Uninstall a Robot (Command Line) (broadcom.com)