HCX - Migration failed with the error "Error logging into VC endpoint"
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HCX - Migration failed with the error "Error logging into VC endpoint"


Article ID: 372347


Updated On:


VMware HCX


From the HCX Manager UI -> Migration, the following message/error will be displayed when you attempt to perform a validation or during migration:

The following error is observed in /common/logs/admin/app.log
2024-07-17 02:30:03.496 UTC [LicensingService_SvcThread-6433, Ent: HybridityAdmin, , TxId: 2fda9c30-cb7c-4e35-8713-182883507aec] ERROR c.v.v.h.a.vcenter.VcConnection- Error Logging onto VCenter:https://<vc.fqdn/ip> User: <username>, message: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password.




The issue occurs due to an incorrect username or password used for communication between HCX Manager and vCenter.


Update the vCenter credentials and restart web-engine and app-engine services.

Access HCX Manager Admin UI on port 9443 (https://hcx-ip-or-fqdn:9443).
Navigate to Configuration > vCenter Server > Edit and re-enter correct vCenter username and password.

Navigate to Appliance Summary > HCX Services
Restart the Web Service and Application Service
Click STOP, and then START for both services.