XCOM password encryption for z/OS and LUW platforms
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XCOM password encryption for z/OS and LUW platforms


Article ID: 372343


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XCOM Data Transport - z/OS XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport


Using XCOM for file transfers between the Mainframe (z/OS) and Windows platform.
Does XCOM provide an option for password encryption?


  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for z/OS, 12.0
  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows 11.6 , 12.0
  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for UNIX/Linux 11.6 , 12.0


1. XCOM automatically encrypts passwords during file transmissions and at the receiving end of the transfer there is automatic password decryption.

2. In addition a password in a configuration/parameter file can also be encrypted with the XCOMENCR utility.

The above points apply to XCOM for  z/OS and Windows.

Here are some doc. references.

z/OS (12.0):
Transmission encryption:
XCOM Data Transport Security
Password Protection by Encryption

Configuration/parameter file encryption:
Secure Your Password in Batch Transfers

Transmission encryption:
11.6: Password Protection by Encryption
12.0: Set Up Transmission Password Encryption

Configuration/parameter file encryption:
11.6: Encrypt Parameter Values in Configuration Files
12.0: Encrypt Parameter Values in Configuration Files

Similar advice also applies for UNIX/Linux platforms:
Transmission encryption:
11.6: Password Protection by Encryption
12.0: Set Up Transmission Password Encryption

Configuration/parameter file encryption:
11.6: Encrypt Parameter Values in Configuration Files
12.0: Encrypt Parameter Values in Configuration Files

Additional Information