Using XCOM for file transfers between the Mainframe (z/OS) and Windows platform.
Does XCOM provide an option for password encryption?
1. XCOM automatically encrypts passwords during file transmissions and at the receiving end of the transfer there is automatic password decryption.
2. In addition a password in a configuration/parameter file can also be encrypted with the XCOMENCR utility.
The above points apply to XCOM for z/OS and Windows.
Here are some doc. references.
z/OS (12.0):
Transmission encryption:
XCOM Data Transport Security
Password Protection by Encryption
Configuration/parameter file encryption:
Secure Your Password in Batch Transfers
Transmission encryption:
11.6: Password Protection by Encryption
12.0: Set Up Transmission Password Encryption
Configuration/parameter file encryption:
11.6: Encrypt Parameter Values in Configuration Files
12.0: Encrypt Parameter Values in Configuration Files
Similar advice also applies for UNIX/Linux platforms:
Transmission encryption:
11.6: Password Protection by Encryption
12.0: Set Up Transmission Password Encryption
Configuration/parameter file encryption:
11.6: Encrypt Parameter Values in Configuration Files
12.0: Encrypt Parameter Values in Configuration Files
See KB article: What is the encryption method used by XCOMENCR