Duplicate blank audit entries in Task assignment sub object
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Duplicate blank audit entries in Task assignment sub object


Article ID: 372280


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When resources post Actuals on their timesheets in Modern UX, duplicate blank entries are created in the 
Duplicate entries Task Audit Trail for the 'Assignment' Sub object

Steps To Reproduce:

1. Enable Audit Trail on 'Task' object by adding the following attributes. 'Assigned Resource', 'Finish'
2. Enable Audit trail on 'Assignment' by adding the following attributes. 'Actual', 'ETC', 'Finish'
3. Create a Project and allocate a labor resource in Modern UX. Assign a resoucre to the task
4. In Modern UX, Post actuals for the resource against the task assigned in step 3 above.
5. In Classic, open the task and click to open the 'Audit' tab. Select 'Assignment' in the 'Subobjects' field the click on 'Filter' button.

Expected:  There should be one entry row for the change in the Actuals that were posted
Actual:       There are duplicate blank line entries created on the Audit page


Clarity version 16.2.1, 16.2.2




Currently under review by Engineering