"Service Resources".
:2024-06-25 11:30:19.165 UTC [InterconnectService_SvcThread-207842, SM:servicemesh-########-####-####-####-############, IX:########-####-####-####-############, J:e7b257c1, , TxId: ########-####-####-####-############] ERROR c.v.v.h.s.i.InterconnectConfigureMA- Task task-52943652 errored out, error : Cannot complete a vSphere Distributed Switch operation for one or more host members.
com.vmware.vim.binding.vim.fault.DvsOperationBulkFault: Cannot complete a vSphere Distributed Switch operation for one or more host members.
2024-06-25 11:30:21.164 UTC [InterconnectService_SvcThread-207841, SM:servicemesh-########-####-####-####-############, IX:########-####-####-####-############, J:b6876334, , TxId: ########-####-####-####-############] ERROR c.v.v.h.s.i.ApplianceLifeCycleJob- Failure detected while verifying completion of InterconnectServiceJobs::interconnectConfigureMA. Reason: Interconnect Service Workflow interconnectConfigureMA failed. Error: Adding Mobility Agent Host failed. Adding host to DVS <DVS NAME> failed. Error : Cannot complete a vSphere Distributed Switch operation for one or more host members.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Interconnect Service Workflow interconnectConfigureMA failed. Error: Adding Mobility Agent Host failed. Adding host to DVS <DVS NAME> failed. Error : Cannot complete a vSphere Distributed Switch operation for one or more host members.
"The host is in a different datacenter <name> than the vCenter VDS datacenter <name>."
This limitation is explained in the Compute Profile Considerations and Concepts, where deployment cluster and service clusters must be confined to a single data center, as DVS cannot be used across different datacenters.